Chazak Numbers:
Chazak Numbers:
Lakewood 732-806-8599
Monsey 845-356-6665
New York 718-258-2008
Toronto 416-800-0656
Eretz Yisrael 072-258-7797
England 44-203-375-1580
Lakewood 732-806-8599
Monsey 845-356-6665
New York 718-258-2008
Toronto 416-800-0656
Eretz Yisrael 072-258-7797
England 44-203-375-1580
Please note change:
Due to the significant cost of the daily calls, (done by CallFire), we will need to start charging for this option.
Please sign up only if you agree to pay 60 dollars to receive the nightly calls for a three month period. (This will go directly to cover the cost.)
A newly launched shmiras haloshon program