The largest initiative for Shmiras Haloshon in history
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Chizuk and inspiration from some of the world’s best speaker on topic of interest to you. Better relationships, personal growth, facing life’s challenges, shmiras halashon, shalom, meaningful prayer, Torah insights, timely advice for every season, and more.
Over 10,000 Callers Each Day
Innovative, intriguing and timely inspiration and chizuk for high school girls. Featuring a daily shmiras haloshon message and a wide array of exciting options to listen to including Personal Stories, Lessons for Life, The Playlist, Q&A Spotlight on Schools and so much more.
Over 8000 Callers Each Day
This children’s storyline puts the power of a good story to work as lessons in shmiras haoshon come to life in an entertaining and engaging way – with daily features and weekly contests. There’s always something exciting on WonderWords 12,000 callers.
Over 12,000 Callers Each Day
To say or not to say? Whether it is for a shidduch, a job referral, or just among family or friends, the wrong words can do irreparable harm. And sometimes, so can silence. Our Shaila Hotline puts you in contact with expert rabbonim so that before you speak, you can be sure. Evenings from 9:00 to 10:30 pm.
CALL : 718.951.3696