Bring These CCHF Curriculums To Your School


Monthly Extracurricular Program

15,500 students
103 Schools

Meivin Davar

Hashkafah behind Shmiras Haloshon principles

6 lessons


Ona’as Devarim & Relationships

25 lessons
22 trigger videos

L’shadeich Habanos

Halachos of asking & giving information

6 lessons
12th grade & seminary

Halachah Daily

3 minutes to proper speech

13,000 students
87 schools

Build your own

Hebrew curriculums, sources & activities

8+ lessons
Dozens of sources

Why schools love Mishmeres materials:

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732-905-9909 extensions 129

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© 2020 Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation

© 2020 Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation


Dynamic monthly
extracurricular program

Focused on speech, middos and relationships. Run by 11th or 12th grade Mishmeres Heads.

Friendly. Inclusive. Caring.

Our flagship program upgrades the way your students relate to each other.

What you’ll get:
- halachah learning system & support
- Monthly kit focusing on a middah or relationship skill

Monthly kit components:

Full color posters for each classroom & hallway

4-sided color newsletters for each student

Fun sticker or give-out item for each student

Robust idea sheet for brainstorming or idea-swiping.

Want to hear more about this program?

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