In your head, you have a picture of your dream Shabbos table —
everybody shmoozing, enjoying, learning,  seeing and saying the positive.


The Shabbos positivity program –
This is how you make that dream real.


Let my
people shmuz

The interactive family Shabbos newsletter, giving:

A beautiful  story & conversation starter

A crack the case mystery

 A  fascinating “what’s the psak” Shmiras Haloshon question to hash out


Mailed to you free (in US/Canada), to help family and guests remember that your Shabbos table doesn’t just look beautiful, it sounds beautiful.

Family Pin #

For Weekly Raffles

Special optional raffles to keep up the positive vibes,
with fabulous prizes like:

Kids: Shabbos Party in a Box

Family: Choice of Bencher set in Lucite holder or Chocolate Platter

Sefer Chofetz Chaim Yearly
Shabbos + Yom Tov Calendar

A sure way for your family to cover the full sefer from Rosh Hashana.  A real achievement!

When we get to the question, I’m surprised at how insightful my kids are! We have such great conversations.

O.K. Lakewood

It gives us a way to bring middos discussions up naturally. Everyone feels positive.


Great stories, fascinating questions. I’m amazed at the content — stuff I’ve never heard before.

D.M. Lakewood


“We used to rip apart the Rav’s dvar Torah over tomato dip. Poke fun at the principal during the fish. Chuckle over the baal tefillah over the cholent. Then we put the shabbos table card on our table. Gamechanger. We really work on speaking positively. Because of that we now see the good in others, and not the bad. We are kind about mistakes, and positive about people.”

Start your journey here.

What option works best for you?

© 2020 Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation

© 2020 Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation